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Moonstone with not multi award winning painting

Moonstone with not multi award winning painting

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Gotchgut 1

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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I enjoyed Gotchgut, not completely happy but a relatively simple model to paint.

I even remembered to take some WIP pictures

The model was primed in grey seer.  I then washed it in seraphim sepia to show the details and make all of the model was primed.

Steps 1&2 skin and waistcoat

Step 1 The skin

The skin is simply bugmans glow that is then mixed with Kislev flesh for lighter and lighter layers until a final highlight of Kislev.

Step 2


Step 3 Armour

All of the metal armour was in leadbelcher which was then shaded.  Chainmail was agrax, the rest was seraphim sepia.   I heavily watered down some skrag brown and painted it in a few places to try and increase rust effect, then dry bushed it with leadbelcher.  The dry brush stage effectively ruined any effects I had (the chainmail was fine), so I did it all again and was gentler with the dry brush

Step 4 Trousers

The trousers started off with ionrach skin (I bought it when it first came out and have never used it). This was then mixed with white for the highlights.   I did try for a textured look but not really happy with the effect.

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