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I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - Gangs of Rome edition

I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - Gangs of Rome edition

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Building Rome one building at a time

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 4
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On my other projects I’ve been dipping my toes into both resin and filament printing. Learning from those I’m going to enhance my Gangs of Rome stuff with some more buildings. I have the Villa from the Accessory Set to put together. I want to get more of the Sarissa Precision buildings but in the mean time to get some more variety I’m 3D printing some buildings as well. Learning from my old printer I got a new Bambu Labs P1P to get faster and more reliable prints. This thing is a terrain printing beast. What would take two days before now can be done in under 19 hours per floor. The quality has been amazing and I can’t see the layer lines and you can barely feel them there is a very small texture.

I have a third building getting finished by tomorrow and I’ll post pictures of that as well as the Sarissa Precision villa from the Accessory Set for Gangs of Rome.

If you are curious about the buildings I’m using you can find them here City of Antiquity from Dark Realms Forge. After Rome I want to print more of their stuff for Frostgrave and Mordheim I really like their selection.

I’ve been slowly snipping the figures from the sprues and organizing the bits based on getting an even mix of weapons. The Accessory Set came with another 30 figures and trying to decide if I want more gang members or go for mob members. I still kinda want to get the metal ones that Footsore are offering on their site. I also need to resin print the puddle bases. They released them as STLs during their kickstarter, not sure where you’d get them now. I’ll look into it and let folks know.

For now this is what I have to share and will post more updates as things develop. Until next post happy hobby time folks!

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Cult of Games Member

I thought Lloyd had started a project from the title. The Bambu printers are absolute beasts, I have a couple of the P1S’s with the AMS feeders and I love them

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