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Draconis does…. Mars Attacks!

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Human Soldier test

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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25th June 2024

While waiting for my turquoise paint to arrive I thought I would try out a camo scheme on one of the human soldiers, as a test piece. I wasn’t happy with the zenithal spray, as I realised that it wasn’t suited to how I wanted to paint them. So I gave them all a touch up spray with the skeleton bone.

I had researched some camo schemes, and went for one that had brown splotches with black spots that had white overlaid.

Brown 'splotches'Brown 'splotches'
Black spotsBlack spots
White spotsWhite spots

Once the basics were done I added a brown body vest and pouches, black straps and belts, grey gloves, brown boots etc.

An Agrax Earthshade wash helped tie things together and give definition to the pouches etc.

Getting thereGetting there

Then finished it off by painting some skin on the face (not going to try to do the eyes currently…. Don’t think its needed), painting the gun, goggles and putting some grey on the base. The base will get more treatment when I do them all together.

Human Soldier test
Human Soldier test
Human Soldier test
Human Soldier test

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