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A Fighting Fantasy Journey

A Fighting Fantasy Journey

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Book thirty two: Slave's of the Abyss

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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I was confused in more ways than one with this book. As a kid I thought it was a Sci fi book thanks to the cosmic cover by Terry Oakes. Instead we end up in weird dimensions and astral planes. It took me too attempts to recently replay this adventure. Not because I died bit because I was bored. We get hired to help save a kingdom from an invasion of evil nasties. To defeat them we end up in a weird dimension and this is were I lost interest.I was confused in more ways than one with this book. As a kid I thought it was a Sci fi book thanks to the cosmic cover by Terry Oakes. Instead we end up in weird dimensions and astral planes. It took me too attempts to recently replay this adventure. Not because I died bit because I was bored. We get hired to help save a kingdom from an invasion of evil nasties. To defeat them we end up in a weird dimension and this is were I lost interest.
Bob Harvey has popped up again with the interior illustrations but his subject mater is a bit dull. A few images of people standing about and not much going on. Even a recreation of the cover during one of the odd endings you can end up Bob Harvey has popped up again with the interior illustrations but his subject mater is a bit dull. A few images of people standing about and not much going on. Even a recreation of the cover during one of the odd endings you can end up
One of the many images of men....standing aboutOne of the many images of men....standing about
This image had me mistrusting this girl from the start This image had me mistrusting this girl from the start

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I do not remember this one at all!

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