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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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Ain't afraid of no ghosts

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Ain't afraid of no ghosts

I almost always paint in batches, and I like to have a few relatively easy miniatures to work on while I’m waiting for washes to dry, etc. This batch of ghosts was easy and fun.

The one on the far left is from Crooked Dice — originally I was going to try to do something different from how it’s painted on their website, I was thinking of basing the color scheme on the Scarecrow from Batman the Animated Series. But I ended up with something that looks pretty much exactly like how the miniature is painted on the Crooked Dice website…

The other three are from Reaper Miniatures. The two in the middle are pretty standard, but for the one on the right I was thinking of the classic white sheet with eyeholes Halloween costume.

These don’t have a particular purpose, but they’ll most likely be used for 7TV as part of a Ghostbusters-style scenario. I’ll have to see if I can find a cheap Marshmallow Man toy…

2024 models painted so far: 88, for 5 different games

My interim goal is to get to 100 by June 30. 12 more to go…

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