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Building the war room of my dreams

Building the war room of my dreams

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Wargame table lights phase 1 complete

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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The lightstrips are mounted at a 45 degree angle pointing towards the storage space.

Of course things didn’t go quite as smoothly.
I did manage to almost break one lightstrip … but after a bit of old fashioned percussive maintenance things appear to be in working order.

After testing the lights I noticed that the bottom row of the cubicles doesn’t get enough light. As the drawers do get enough light when opened the solution kind of presents itself. I will be adding drawers to the bottom half of both Kallaxes (or Kallaxi?).


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Cult of Games Member

This really is shaping up very well. When I have an actual space of my own again to do with as I please this lighting will likely be used on my displays as well.

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