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Adapting Mars Code Aurora

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Available from studio tomahawk, mars code aurora is a Sci fi skirmish game that is quite adaptable. It has numerous army lists you can tweak for your favourite force from in my case Aliens.  Using the Equality faction list I ended up with this little force. The game operates with card activation and each model is individually moved.Available from studio tomahawk, mars code aurora is a Sci fi skirmish game that is quite adaptable. It has numerous army lists you can tweak for your favourite force from in my case Aliens. Using the Equality faction list I ended up with this little force. The game operates with card activation and each model is individually moved.
Sll the marines had to do was escort a colonist off the board. Shame all those aliens got in the waySll the marines had to do was escort a colonist off the board. Shame all those aliens got in the way
We did forget the  burst rule allowing the marines more shots at close range but the use of orders allowed the aliens to activate more than one and break the marines line. The game relied heavily on an overwatch standby system creating kill corridors as soon as a critter emerged. This didn't stop the aliens wiping out the marines. We did forget the burst rule allowing the marines more shots at close range but the use of orders allowed the aliens to activate more than one and break the marines line. The game relied heavily on an overwatch standby system creating kill corridors as soon as a critter emerged. This didn't stop the aliens wiping out the marines.
Adapting Mars Code Aurora

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