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Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

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Epic Hail Caesar Velites

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I always enjoy painting the single figure sculpts from Warlord’s epic ranges. I tend to be tempted to spend a little bit more time with them. These are the last figures I will have time to complete before the challenge ends tomorrow. For the wolf pelts I base coated them with Xpress Viking Grey and picked out all the individual hairs with Vallejo Ivory around the face and belly and used GW Grey Seer on the back. I picked the teeth and claws out with Ivory and the paws and noses with black. The pelt wearing troops tunics were painted with Seraph Red. This was highlighted first with GW Evil Sunz Scarlet and Troll Slayer Orange.

The rest of the figures tunics were painted with Xpress Mummy White, Templar White or Military Yellow. The ‘white’ was highlighted with Vallejo Off White and the ‘yellow’ with Vallejo Ice Yellow. The shields were given two coats of Xpress Plasma Red and the spines were then painted GW Wild Rider Red. The shields were then with the side of the brush edge highlighted with GW Troll Slayer Orange.

I had a go at seeing if it was possible to paint eyes and teeth on a couple of the figures. Totally impracticable but I had fun seeing if I could. The metal work, flesh etc was painted as in my previous entries.


Epic Hail Caesar Velites
Epic Hail Caesar Velites
Epic Hail Caesar Velites

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