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Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

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Epic Basing.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I start by painting the puddle bases with Mournfang Brown which helps with the later stage as if anything is not applied properly it will be the correct colour. I then stick the figures to their epic Warlord bases. I use ready mixed filler applied with a cocktail stick to hide the figures bases. I then stick fine sand on to the bases with PVA. The bases are then painted with thinned GW Mournfang Brown and capillary action will help you here. Dry brush with GW Zandri Dust and then Ushbati Bone. The paints I have mentioned here were all made up for me at the paint mixing department at Wilkes. This saves you from using your expensive hobby paints. Small blobs of PVA are then applied and 2mm static grass finishes the effect.

I was not sure about how many figures I should use for each cavalry base. There is enough on the other nations sprues for multiples of 5 horsemen but two Roman sprues will only give you 4 light and 4 heavy cavalry. In the end I decided to add the two officer figures to make up two small units of 5. This will then mean they will match the other cavalry figures units.

Epic Basing.
Epic Basing.

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