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Wee Free Men

Wee Free Men

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The Nac Mac Feegle

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

Nearly seven years ago, I reread the Wee Free Men and a germ of an idea began. I’ve spent hundreds of hours thinking about this army; planning, researching and problem solving. I took a week or so to buy the first model. I took several more years to buy the rest. I’ve been giddy to get it started and terrified to get it done. 

Could it possibly live up to the vision in my head?

The Nac Mac Feegle
The Nac Mac Feegle
The Nac Mac Feegle
The Nac Mac Feegle

Absolutely. It might not be exactly as I saw it all those years ago but dear goodness, it might be better. It is something that I’m immensely proud of. I knew it would spend most of its life in the glass cabinet and walking past it every day on the way to the kitchen, I smile every time despite its imperfections. I probably won’t ever put this much of myself into an army again but the emotions that finishing it have brought is a wonderful reminder that this hobby is very special. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed watching the army progress. The chat both in the comments here and on the UHH about it have been great motivators to keep going; reassurance that I’m not the only dork who thought this was a fun idea. 

The Chalk Clan go into battle for the first time on the 30th of June but that’s a story for another time. For right now, this is a completed project. All hail the joy of the Spring Clean Challenge.

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Jill GorramChrissundancer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

if this project doesn’t get at least an honourable mention, there will be riot! nice work

Cult of Games Member

Well done on getting this all wrapped all. A thoroughly excellent project – great idea, so much attention to detail with the references to the source material, and it has been a pleasure seeing all the bases and troops coming together.

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