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Dungeons and Doggies in the frozen wastes

Dungeons and Doggies in the frozen wastes

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The scrappers

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

Rupert - Thug

Rupert is a Jack Russell terrier.

Fur – Orange Brown and Off-white as a pattern

Jacket – Yellow Oliva

Hood – Brown Violet

Sleeves, belt and pouches – Medium Sea Grey

Collar, sword hilt, scabbard – Purple

Stitches, dart shafts – Burnt Umber

Shield, sword hilt, scabbard base, sword pommel – Black then Oily Steel

Nose, eyes, lips – Black

Dart feathers – Off-white

To give the pinkish look of skin which commonly shows through on many areas of white coated dogs, I washed the muzzle and underside of belly in Game Wash Red

The rest of the model washed in Citadel Agrax Earthshade

Basing was the usual German Grey drybrushed with Neutral Grey.

Angel - Man at arms

Angel is an American Pitbull Terrier.

Fur – orange brown (Off-white under chin)

Hood – Light Green Blue

Bodysuit? – Azure

Bodysuit trim, shield, mace handle – Blue

Bedroll, gaiters – Medium Grey

Pouches, straps – Dark Yellow

Nose, lips – Mahogany Brown

Potion bottles – Sunset Red

Collar – Chocolate Brown

Mace head and pommel, neck chain, buckles – Chocolate Brown then Bronze

Roger - Man at arms

Roger is a Bull Terrier.

Fur – Off-white

Jacket – Military Green

Belt, satchel, boots – Red Leather

Rope (neck and belt), bone in hat, cork in bottle – Desert Yellow

Neck pouch – Luftwaffe Uniform

Sword handle, bottle, spots on fur – Grey Blue

Tongue – Old Rose

Scabbard, hat, wristbands, eyes, nose – Black

Scabbard, rivets, epaulettes, wristbands, sword hilt – Gold

The hat was drybrushed Neutral Grey just to bring out the edges.

The muzzle and underside of belly were washed in Game Wash Red

The rest of the models is washed with Citadel Agrax Earthshade

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