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Nottingham Shire Hall Build

Nottingham Shire Hall Build

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Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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What I really wanted was to print it to scale with my minis which meant printing it in sections. I had a few holes in the print so  I got to work with some green stuff.What I really wanted was to print it to scale with my minis which meant printing it in sections. I had a few holes in the print so I got to work with some green stuff.
All the parts togetherAll the parts together
I then rummaged through the bits box to create the wooden door ways ito the hall that should look like they are falling down. The beauty is the building was a wreck so it hides a lot of sins on my build.I then rummaged through the bits box to create the wooden door ways ito the hall that should look like they are falling down. The beauty is the building was a wreck so it hides a lot of sins on my build.
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