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Building the war room of my dreams

Building the war room of my dreams

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The idea

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 5
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This is something I always wanted to do since getting into the hobby.
The reality of living in a one bedroom apartment meant that I never really had the space to execute the idea.

What do I want to achieve :

  • a big enough table to play any game I want
  • storage space (did I mention that)
  • space to build & assemble miniatures
  • more storage space
  • space to use an airbrush & paint
  • lights to play games
  • lights to do hobby
  • a space to photograph my minis

Did I mention I want to store as much hobby related material as well ? 😉

While I had space for a game table in my old apartment, that always meant having to clear the table whenever I needed to anything else.

All of this was solved when I bought a new house.
Now I can dedicate an entire room to my hobby (and another room to my computer&videogames), which meant that I can do what I wanted to do all along.

In this project I will document all the things I add to the room as and when they happen.

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