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Mega City One Spring Clean Challenge

Mega City One Spring Clean Challenge

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Final building repainted

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 4
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Final building repainted

Repainting went well, I think I’ve got the final building in line with the other two. The yellow paint over the cardboard bits (curved roof and wall details) was a little brighter than the marker over bare cardboard that I did on the other two buildings, but a quick soft tone wash took care of that. I’m reasonably happy with the results.

Final building repainted

I’ve got Sunday afternoon set aside for a game of Warlord’s Judge Dredd Miniatures Game — the final part of this spring clean is to reassess the game and see if I want to continue with it, or maybe look for an alternative system to use these miniatures with. As long as the weekend doesn’t get away from me, I should be able to complete this spring clean challenge just under the deadline. Stay tuned…

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