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The Once and Future King—Foundry Arthurian Cavalry

The Once and Future King—Foundry Arthurian Cavalry

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The army standard

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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The dragon banner in all its glory The dragon banner in all its glory

I needed a dragon standard but I only had the standards that come with eh Warlord plastic roman infantry.  So I decided to sculpt my own.  It took me many years to learnt hat you can’t jsut sculpt a finished piece with milliput.  Instead it is a multi day thing where I built up an interior structure and then add the details in a final layer.  The only tool I use is a straight pin, both eh tip and the back head work well for various jobs.  finally I add the “wings” and it is done.  It is not hard to do and I recommend giving it a try.

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