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Mega City One Spring Clean Challenge

Mega City One Spring Clean Challenge

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Where has the time gone?

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 6
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Sundancer looked at my project on this week’s Unofficial Hobby Hangout, and in the process reminded me that there are less than two weeks (and only one weekend) left before the Spring Clean Challenge deadline. Why was I thinking I had until June 30? Why have I been spending so much of my hobby time painting Mythic Battles: Ragnarok figures?

Anyway, after Sundancer’s kind reminder I got straight back to work, this time on the smaller rooftop platform and stairs. I did the first, larger platform and stairs some time ago (you can see them in the first entry for this project) and I’m reasonably happy with the way they look, so the challenge here will be to match the look of the earlier piece.

Priming is definitely easier when the pieces are still on the sprue. As usual I’m using Vallejo brush-on primer. Much As I would love to just give these a quick spray, I live in a second floor apartment with no balcony or decent ventilation, and there just isn’t a good place for me to set up for spraying.

After punching the pieces out and filing & priming the edges where needed, a quick drybrush in gunmetal followed by a lighter silver and the pieces look good. Assembling the stairs was actually pretty fun, the steps look tedious but they fit into the rest of the piece really easily.

The floor platform is two pieces stuck together, with slots for the railings to fit in. I learned the hard way when assembling the larger platform that the two layers need to line up precisely for the rails to fit, so I’ve inserted enough rails to line them up properly.

A good vantage point to scan for law breaking activity...A good vantage point to scan for law breaking activity...

The rails are designed to be movable so you can place the stairs at different spots. I had to file down the edge of the floor piece to make it fit in between the signposts on the roof, but I think the final piece looks pretty good.

Now on to repainting the original piece to match the two new ones. The yellow on the two new pieces is a mix of yellow, grey and just a bit of brown. Yellow is very translucent, so I’m hoping if I use it straight from the bottle over the building’s previous grey it will be close enough, and I’ve got time for a quick paint test before I close up for the day.

Where has the time gone?

It looks okay, but a just a little too bright compared to the others, and the yellow covers a lot better when mixed with the grey and brown. Still, this will make a good base coat so I shouldn’t have to do as many layers of the mixed color.

The final phase of this project will be to actually play a game of Warlord’s Judge Dredd on this terrain, which means I need to finish up before the weekend. Wish me luck…

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Cult of Games Member

Time waits for no one 😉 Nice to see your progress

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