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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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The next batch of Ragnarok figures

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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In the midst of the mad dash to finish my Spring Clean Challenge project, I still managed to get some more Mythic Battles: Ragnarok figures done. I’ve started on the core box in earnest — I started out by picking figures out of the box one row at a time, but if I keep that up I’ll have to finish everything before I get to actually play the game. So I’ve course-corrected slightly by looking at which figures are needed to play the first scenario and working on those first. This batch is more of a random smattering, but when I get the next batch done I should have enough to play.

Harald HardradaHarald Hardrada

2024 models painted so far: 84, for 4 different games

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