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Denziens vault

Denziens vault

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Where to start

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
My original fallout vault using 3D printing and files available from modiphius. This was originally for a vault dweller scenario that required a 3 foot table with an exit. This allowed me to fill the table any way I wanted.My original fallout vault using 3D printing and files available from modiphius. This was originally for a vault dweller scenario that required a 3 foot table with an exit. This allowed me to fill the table any way I wanted.
Where to start
Looking beyond my original table I picked up the into the vault expansion pack l. This turns fallout into a dungeon crawler.  Cards are drawn to discover what lies behind each door as you explore and complete one of a number of mission's. My goal is to have each room and corridor from the card deck available to explore. To start I have the pieces I have already printed to get me going and I'll start with the largest room which is the atrium.Looking beyond my original table I picked up the into the vault expansion pack l. This turns fallout into a dungeon crawler. Cards are drawn to discover what lies behind each door as you explore and complete one of a number of mission's. My goal is to have each room and corridor from the card deck available to explore. To start I have the pieces I have already printed to get me going and I'll start with the largest room which is the atrium.

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It’s all your Vault! XD

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