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Unboxing an OTT Community Award

Unboxing an OTT Community Award

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Triumph or tragedy?

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I imagine this somewhat rough-looking box must be my long-awaited Cult of Games Community Award. It looks about like you might expect a box that’s travelled over 4500 miles from Northern Ireland to Oregon to look, but I do have to admit that seeing a box in this condition with a “fragile” sticker on it makes me a little nervous…

Thankfully, the award was packed pretty well, including a judicious amount of orange masking tape which may well have prevented a tragedy. The frame and glass look to be in great shape, however...Thankfully, the award was packed pretty well, including a judicious amount of orange masking tape which may well have prevented a tragedy. The frame and glass look to be in great shape, however... appears that maybe some contents have shifted during transport. Never mind, I've done quite a bit of framing in my time, this should be an easy appears that maybe some contents have shifted during transport. Never mind, I've done quite a bit of framing in my time, this should be an easy fix.
The label on the back says The label on the back says "If in doubt, we recommend a professional experienced in fixing this type of hanging be consulted." I don't know if I would call myself a professional, but let's give it a try anyway.
Shifting the piece of paper around so it sits in the frame properly is harder than it looks.Shifting the piece of paper around so it sits in the frame properly is harder than it looks.
I think I've just about managed it though. Looks great!I think I've just about managed it though. Looks great!
I had to move a few things around, but my community award has pride of place next to the coat rack by the front door.I had to move a few things around, but my community award has pride of place next to the coat rack by the front door.

All kidding aside, I’m very proud to have won this on my first dive back into the project system after a long break. A huge thank you to Gerry, Ben and the rest of the crew for all the kind words, and to whoever put this magnificent award together. I will treasure it.

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