Halflings of War
First game!
Realising that a club day was coming up and I had enough stuff together to cobble together a 1,000pts Ambush list, I played my first game!
It was my first time using Halflings and I’m still figuring out how to play Kings of War and use things like strategy, so it was a loss of course. But a close one!
It was Halflings Vs Kingdom of Men in the get your units onto your opponents side of the table scenario. Lots of units died and I managed to hold up my opponents advance enough while losing to make it close, so there’s that.
I played this before finishing my Juggers so they are blue tacced onto the bases here!
Halflings Painted [1000 / 1000]
~ List Valid ~
Halflings [1000]
Poachers (Infantry) Regiment [155]
– Relentless [5]
– Staying Stone [5]
Juggers (Cavalry) Troop [160]
– Relentless [5]
– Brew of Strength [30]
Juggers (Cavalry) Troop [165]
– Relentless [5]
– Brew of Sharpness [35]
Wild Lancers (Cavalry) Troop [100]
– Relentless [5]
Iron Beast (Titan) 1 [210]
Sauceror (Hero (Heavy Infantry)) 1 [115]
– Halfling Hot Pot [10]
– The Boomstick [25]
– Lightning Bolt (3)
Feast Master (Hero (Heavy Infantry)) 1 [95]
– Relentless [5]
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