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Draconis:  Spring Clean 2024 and onward

Draconis: Spring Clean 2024 and onward

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Base detailing

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Couldn’t fit this on the basing update, so had to be it’s own post…..


Newspapers and money

I downloaded images of real and fake newspapers and US money from the internet, then printed them off in roughly the correct size. I stuck the basic print to the ones with ‘front page’ images so that if I folded them over the wouldn’t have a blank page showing. These were then scattered onto a number of the bases, some as a single sheet, others with several sheets a little spread out. I only used the money on one base, in a small pile.

Rubbish bags

I made these by cutting up a real (thin) rubbish bag and making a small pouch around some used blister pack sponge. For the first couple I used super glue to seal it, but they came out a bit rough and a bit flat. For the last one I used some cotton to tie up the top of it, and once trimmed that gave the bag a better shape. In the end I only used two of the bags. The good one was put at the front of one of the bases (with cash close by), and the less good was put to the back of another base.

Base detailing

Leaves, grass and tufts

These were all using shop bought products. The leaves are some sort of seed pods. The grass I used sparingly on the bases where the scrub ground met mud areas, to replicate where plant life may start growing. Tufts were interspersed where they felt correct. The bases that were all ground texture I did apply some grass too, to break up the space somewhat.

Fast Food rubbish

I still felt like I needed some more detritus, so thought I would try to make some fast food rubbish. I started out by trimming an old sprue offcut, then sanding a curve into one side. Painted it up, and it seems to work as a discarded fries box. The brown bags were made from some old brown envelope, that I cut and folded over, then once the length was glued to form a rectangular tube I cut it in half to make two bags. I carefully folded over one end of each, then found some reference and painted them up with the off centre yellow M.

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