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Gathering the Dwarfs of the Bronze Kingdom for Legends of Signum

Gathering the Dwarfs of the Bronze Kingdom for Legends of Signum

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Members of the Tall Dwarf Society

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When first I received these miniatures one thing obviously stood out immediately. They are very large dwarfs. They are very big. In fact, these are some of the first dwarf miniatures I’ve ever come across that I have difficulty calling dwarfs due to their sheer size. I mean scale creep is one thing but when your dwarfs are almost as tall as your humans, you probably feel a bit awkward using them in the same game together and stick to figures of a similar vintage.

As such there are going to be some players who would baulk at using these particular miniatures in other games.

Members of the Tall Dwarf Society

Here they are next to some classic dwarfs you might recognise. Obviously scale creep has come a long way since the 1980’s (and, in the Warhammer Quest dwarf’s case, the early 90’s) so let’s try comparing these dwarfs to miniatures of their own kind. Obviously Signum Games is heavily inspired by the old Rackham miniatures so let’s put some of them next to a Signum dwarf.

Members of the Tall Dwarf Society

As you can see, even next to the Rackham dwarfs, our little miner towers above them. Ignoring the height added by his helmet he’s still a good half a head taller than they are. This scale increase is probably to allow for all the added detail that’s on the figures.

Obviously the best way to check the scale of a figure is to compare it to other models from the same range so here’s our little dwarven miner next to two humans from the Legends of Signum range.

Members of the Tall Dwarf Society

As you can clearly see, he’s massive! He’s approximately shoulder high if not a little taller. From this we can gather that the dwarfs of Signum are meant to be really large with their added width and bulk making them possibly larger than many of the taller races in terms of overall body mass. This may be because they sculpted the chaos dwarfs first quite some time before their normal dwarfs and they might have wanted to make them the same size.

Whatever you feel about their stature, love it or hate it, it’s probably worth making sure you’re aware of just how large these dwarfs miniatures are before embarking on painting them. Many are around 38mm to the top of the figure. At our local club we’ve joked about them being 54mm dwarfs, 40mm dwarfs or even (occasionally) 75mm dwarfs! They’re large and proud of it but they do paint up really easily and have lots of fun details to draw the eye so I don’t mind the size too much. It is a bit of a niche size for dwarfs ‘though so I probably won’t be using them in any other games.

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