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Nurgle, Nurgle, quite horrid purple, how does your Garden grow?

Nurgle, Nurgle, quite horrid purple, how does your Garden grow?

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5 Jun 24: Speed Paint Spawn point

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I sat down and decided to paint one of the two Spawn this evening. Using just the same colours as the zombies, I threw myself into it.
Originally, I intended just to base coat the mini. But once I got started, I kept going and in just over an hour I got to a point that I was happy to call finished!

I didn’t bother to wait for paint to dry, so I suppose I was kind of wet-blending. I was also using thin coats, so it was drying reasonably well as I went. I also didn’t get too precious about colour mixing and layers. I just wanted it to look like a warped, fleshy being. The back is intended to look tortured and raw.
This was aided by using Citadel Blood for the Blood God technical.

Basing will be done when I complete the rest of the minis.

Spawn One of Two. Needs a name?Spawn One of Two. Needs a name?

I probably could’ve gone to town on conversion work… but at this point I just want to get them done. I may add some extra paint/ detail in the future to make it a bit more Nurgle-y… see how it goes.

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