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Dredd to Thieftakers Volume 2- VICTORIANS

Dredd to Thieftakers Volume 2- VICTORIANS

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Perp-Criminal Cards part four

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Idea 2
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Perp-Criminal Cards part four

The final batch of perps starts with former mayor of Nottingham John Margaret Pigot doctor of medicine. Nottingham has had a few bad Mayors in history which involved shooting people and Pigot carried on this tradition. The sheriffs men knocked on his door acting as bailiffs reclaiming a debt. In response Pigot pulled a gun on the door knockers and a scuffle followed. The ex mayor was arrested and so was one of the bailiffs one for attempting to discharge a pistol and the second for assault. Both men were released on bail.

17 year old Vincent Webb was arrested for manslaughter after he fired a cap gun at another teenage boy which killed him. Despite being found guilty the Judge put it down to “boys being boys” and he walked away with a shilling fine.

Elizabeth Topham was an abortionist working from a yard at the back of a pub (now a beer garden) when one mother to be died after the procedure. Topham was given the death sentence but later had the sentence dropped to life as she had not intended to kill the victim. The picture of Elizabeth is the only genuine image of the real individual.

John Watts was part of a three man gang that committed a robbery and assault. They dragged the victim off his pony and sat on him while emptying his pockets of a gold sovereign, an handkerchief and a lancet case used to cause self bleeding (Fun) One gang member got life but John was transported for 15 years. In Western Australia he was later shot dead.

George Burton put his sick father out of his misery by choking him to death in his bed with blocked fumes from the fire. He attempted to end his own life during the incident but survived. The Judge felt sorry for the unfortunate man and he was acquitted.

George Bean was a frame work knitter convicted of  violently assaulting Elizabeth Else with intent to ravish and carnally know her against her will. He ended up in the House of Correction for three months doing hard labour

The only woman to escape from the county gaol was Irish pack lady Joanna Ledwhich who climbed down a 70foot wall using bed sheets. The rope snapped and she landed in a yard before picking herself up and hobbling away to freedom. The thief had a 15 year sentence in Australia but she was never seen again.

Joseph Tucker often got in drunken arguments with his wife and after one such night he poured the contents of a paraffin lamp over her dress while she slept and set her on fire. When helped arrived alerted by her screams he calmly stood back and watched, smoking a cigarette he said “let the beast burn. She died a week later and Tucker went to the gallows.

Now I have a list of criminals I need to look at the action cards which contain odd events and bonuses for our players to use against each other during the game.


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