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Vikings preparing for the raiding season

Vikings preparing for the raiding season

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Batch 2: Monks

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
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Next we have some monks. Some are clearly running for their lives, while others are involved in their daily chores. Quick and easy paint jobs with only about 3 or 4 colours on each model.


Batch 2: Monks

There’s also a cow in the collection, which I decided to paint like one of the  “Chillingham Herd“.

These are ancient, wild cattle that have been kept in a walled park for hundreds of years so they may well be the kind of cows these Anglo Saxon monks farmed.

I’d always fancied visiting them, until I found out that the minor nobility that owns them is related to Dominic Cummings in some way.


Finally in this batch there’s a young woman with a basket of mushrooms. I resisted the urge to paint the mushrooms with red, spotted caps, but I was intimidated by her dress for a day or two. After a while I decided to take inspiration from the film ‘Midsommar’ and keep the dress white with one colour for the accents.


Batch 2: Monks

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