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Tiffany, Land under Wave Part Two

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

I have a feeling that I need a bit of distance from the project to really get a grasp on how much I like it though. – Me, last post

It took less than 14 hours and only the distance of making to my bed for sleep to hit home much I hated the head. I’ve spent years picturing and hundreds of hours working on this army, to leave that monstrosity at its front? I don’t think so.

I left it on for priming and while I painted the body up as a useful finger rest. Then it was off with her head!

I picked up some Sculpey to make a replacement because it is easier to work with. It is 36 hours until I leave the country for ten days so let’s not expect miracles. However with the just the head to do, it should be possible to finish the whole thing in the few evenings after I get back.

Tiffany, Land under Wave Part Two
Tiffany, Land under Wave Part Two
Tiffany, Land under Wave Part Two

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Cult of Games Member

A thought- can you raid a charity shop for a doll to provide a head as a base?

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