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From the Vaulted Realm of Pluto

From the Vaulted Realm of Pluto

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Not in my right mind?

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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*He said in a high questioning voice*

I’ve decided to keep up with the notion of whittling and refining the Greek mythology army collection. I’ve given away half of the skeletal archers/swordmen, all the skeletal spearmen/centaurs as well as the Cerberus. I’ll be scrapping the half dozen fauns after I get done with them as I really am not a fan of the sculpts.

In the place of these losses I’ll be getting figures sculpted from Shadowforge Miniatures courtesy of Eureka Miniatures. A set of Dionesian Maenads as Hearthguard sits just right by me. That, with a unit of Dionesian Sythyr (likely archers) and command will be great for theme. For my fast attack/mobility I went back to the half cav and I have an order of Dark Temple Centaur on the way. I’m debating on whether or not to get a second as this first will be melee weapons. Archers “on the bounce” (a Starship Troopers ref, you apes) could be useful for area control.

Meh *shrug*. Like I said this has been a refining process to the army build.

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