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Stuff what I been painting

Stuff what I been painting

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May Update

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
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Just a few updates for May.

First up, three kami for Bushido. In order, the Kami of Sapping Silt, Kami of Blighted Earth and Kami of Choking Fog.

And to prove that I’ve painted something other than Bushido models, I’ve finally finished off four stands of German 105mm Howitzers for Flames of War. I’ve modeled these to be behind a wooden emplacement which is just cocktail sticks cut to the right size and then glued together. This was also the first FoW models that I’ve tried an enamel pin wash on. Works very well and I’ll be repeating for future models.

Not the most productive month for getting things completed but there is a lot in progress at the moment. I’ve added the same number of models to the pile that I’ve painted, so a break even month.

May Update

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