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Slaying Dusty Boxes

Slaying Dusty Boxes

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Skulls, Dwarves, and Rock that Roll

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
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A rare image of Slaine the King beginning a Warp SpasmA rare image of Slaine the King beginning a Warp Spasm

Time to finish up the last mini that came with my pre-order, Slaine the King.

Like all of my minis for this project, the Slaine the King figure was primed Citadel WraithBone, washed with diluted Citadel Basilicannum Grey, and then drybrushed WraithBone.

I started out by using Basilicannum Grey and AP Dark Wood for Brainbiter.

Next up was the Hellraiser phase of the project. There is quite a bit of black leather on this figure and I wanted to give it some some different shades to hopefully make the harness stand out from the larger pieces of clothing. I decided to use Citadel Black Templar for the larger areas and hair. AP Grimblack for was used for the harness. I think this worked well giving them slightly different shades of black. What sights these shades have shown me.

Red details were next. I used Citadel WraithBone paint to touch up areas where the black spilled onto details. This wasn’t too difficult using AP Slaughter Red. I think the color really helped make the mini pop.

I noticed that Slaine’s cloak was made from multiple pieces of patched together furs. I decided to use two different shades of brown on the cloak. These were Citadel Snakebite Leather followed by AP Dark Wood. I used Snakebite Leather first but noticed it wasn’t drying very quick and decided to hold off on adding Dark Wood.

I painted the flesh and skin of the hides while I waited for Snakebite Leather to dry. I used AP Warrior Skin for the hide and AP Crusader Skin for, well the skin. I jumped back to the fur and added the Dark Wood.

Once again, I did some touch up with Citadel WraithBone to clean up the model before adding metallics. I used AP Hoplite Gold and Broadsword Silver.

I used my new favorite color for the base, AP Desolate Brown.

After these base colors were down I did very little highlighting.  I used AP Ash Grey on Brainbiter and then dry brushed the base with AP Skeleton Bone.

My son made the comment that Slaine was looking very punk when I showed him the finished mini.  It’s a very 80s look for the King.

I was able to finish all of my minis, but I still need to play a few games to really call this project complete.

What’s the point of having minis for a game that you never play, right?

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