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Revisiting Warmaster - Spring Clean 2024

Revisiting Warmaster - Spring Clean 2024

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Tutoring 1
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Idea 1
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So far I’ve been busy working on units, but it is time to get some leaders and other characters painted.

There are seven figures within the Warmaster Chaos character pack – a mounted hero and hornblower, a hero on foot and a standard bearer, a wizard standing on a stone pillar, a gibbet cage scenary piece and a weird mutant creature that looks like it is bursting out of the ground.

I grabbed a few 30mm square bases and played around with a few different compositions of the figures, before settling on the combinations show in the pictures. Pieces of cork were used to give some additional height to the bases. They were sprayed black, and given an initial overbrush with Vallejo Model Colour London Grey, then a lighter drybrush of Vallejo Model Colour Medium Grey.

Where multiple figures were on a base, they were painted separately and then glued on before adding the basing texture.

One unit left to go now, which are currently in a Dettol bath awaiting a scrub clean.


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