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Napoleon in Egypt - Expédition Baïonnette en Argent

Napoleon in Egypt - Expédition Baïonnette en Argent

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French Unit Ready for Action

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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French Unit Ready for Action

The Silver Bayonet: Egypt book arrived this week, along with a few of the new monsters from Northstar.

Whilst the beasties are joining my painting queue, I thought I’d put together a French unit from the models I have painted in this project.

As arranged from left to right in the image above –

  • There is a Grenadier from the 88eme demi brigade;
  • A Doctor from the recently established Egyptian Institute of Arts and Sciences;
  • Another Grenadier, this time from the 85eme demi brigade
  • A Supernatural Natural Investigator, also from the Institute, but shunned for his less reputable academic studies;
  • The Officer, hailing from the 15eme dragoons;
  • A Sailor, left ashore after the Battle of the Nile wrecked the French navy;
  • A dragoon trooper from the 15eme, following his officer;
  • Finally, a mounted/dismounted trooper from the Dromedary Corps.

The dragoon trooper will represent a Soldier, whilst the dromedary trooper will be a Light Cavalryman.

Really happy at the colourful attire sported by this lot.

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