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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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Starting on Mythic Battles: Ragnarok

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I’m starting to get a little fatigued by excessive Kickstarter games that bury you in grey plastic, but at the same time, I am looking forward to playing this game as I’ve really enjoyed Mythic Battles: Pantheon. And say what you like about Monolith, but they do make great looking miniatures.

Starting on Mythic Battles: Ragnarok

For reasons I don’t clearly recall, I’ve decided to start this massive undertaking with the Ragnar Saga expansion. For me, the goal with board game miniatures is to get them looking as close as possible to the accompanying artwork — the only thing that really matters is being able to easily tell who is who. This might be a little challenging with this game, as a lot of the artwork is on the dark and murky side, but the art for these figures is actually pretty good. Luckily, the art book that came with the Kickstarter pledge includes the full image for Eysteinn Beli so I was able to see what color the giant cow is supposed to be (you’ll just have to take my word for it unless you have the book).

These were done by priming in black, drybrushing in various browns (grey for the giant cow), and then filling in other colors where needed. I used a bit of speedpaint here and there (mainly on Ivar’s shield which you can’t see because it’s on his back), and washes where needed to darken up the color a bit. Then a final light drybrush of an off-white to add highlights. The other goal with board game miniatures is to get them done as quickly as possible since there are so many of them.

There is one miniature from the core box here (Gullveig) — I had to pull it out in order to straighten the spears out (the hot water trick really does work!), so I decided to go ahead and slap some paint on it to make it an even six. Only about a hundred more to go…

2024 models painted so far: 75, for 4 different games

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