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Kings of War: Otters and Goblins

Kings of War: Otters and Goblins

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Bat Rep: Loot Grab

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5

Finally I got to field my full 2000 points of Otters.  It dawned on me that this was an army list cobbled by a novice player using the figures available going up against a somewhat tuned goblin force.

Rather than be disheartened, tuning and researching my force will give the project more direction in the future.

We played 2000 points , fighting for tokens. My lack of hordes or cavalry or heavy infantry took its toll, but as always the plucky otters put up a decent resistance. I just need a few more hammers. I have centaurs set aside for me at Britcon.

Bat Rep: Loot Grab

Rather than throw the toys out of the pram I need to do some homework. Is there an optimal starting set up for my current forces? I felt they were spread too thin.

Once I expand up to 2300 what should I add, I don’t think I can fix what I have in just 300 points, but it’s all good. I have a couple design concepts for heavy infantry which are really fun.

I am considering dropping one hero and buffing up my fairly weak Spellcaster. Obviously not go too nuts, they can only cast 6-7 spells per game. It’s kind of like a bolt action tank, big gun, but you are only shooting it 6 times.

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Cult of Games Member

Good to guide your idea for the future. I look forward to seeing more fun with the figures.

Cult of Games Member

2024-06-18 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

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