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I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - De Bellis Antiquitatis edition

I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - De Bellis Antiquitatis edition

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Where it started and where it is now

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Where I startedWhere I started

Hard to believe we are at the end of the Spring Cleaning Challenge. I hit my painting goal and painted all the figures I had in the above cigar box. I expanded the goal to fit in the rest of the DBA elements for the Romans and picked up some Gauls for an opposing force. I got new storage boxes that have more room to fit the camps and extra elements. While I had the best intentions to finish them by this time I also was working on another project as well that took up more time. There was an illness in April that also snuck in and stole some hobby time but I don’t feel bad for taking the needed break.

I thought about marking this project complete as it reached the original goal however with the expanded goals I really want to see them finished and document it for those that are following the project. I know DBx systems aren’t as popular as other games but this was a bit of a passion project for me and if one person came away curious about the game or enjoyed reading and seeing my progress then my goal was accomplished. Let me show you the current result.

Where it started and where it is now

This isn’t the end for this project or for my love of Romans I have some figures for Saga and Gangs of Rome that are next on the desk. I’m thinking I want to work on something smaller skirmish style so Gangs of Rome will likely be next to take a break from 15mm for a bit. I still have my Warhammer Quest project ongoing which is going to be a very long term project. It has also sparked an idea that I’m going to save to reveal for Dungeonalia 2024 and quietly work on in the meantime. More project updates to come soon until then happy hobby time everyone and to those going to UKGE have some fun for me, I’ll get there one of these years.

So for Summer we are building Rome, right? Right?

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