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Draconis:  Spring Clean 2024 and onward

Draconis: Spring Clean 2024 and onward

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Misshun day 6

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
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22nd May 2024

Gotcha! Fownd owt dis Roman bloke is on ‘is way bak ‘ere.

Snuk up ta wun ov ‘is gaffs, Richborough, Roman’s Fort an’ fownd dis klue!

Misshun day 6

Luks like dis gaff was tuff at wun point, but loads ov bits missin’ now, so if ‘e does come bak ‘ere we can take da place eazy!

Misshun day 6

Avin’ solved dat fer now, I went in search ov dose blokes called ‘enry.

Fownd owt dat da wun called ‘enry ate bilt a load ov forts on da seeside ‘ere.

So, I went off to wun called Walmer furst.

It luks pretty solid from owtside, wiv a load ov posh plantz – but inside itz Moor like a normal gaff.

Sum bloke called Welly-ton ‘as even left ‘is bootz lying ’round da place.

Misshun day 6
Misshun day 6

‘Owevva,  I did find sum big gunz up on da top bitz,  so dey are ready fer a fight ‘ere.

Da big gunz Da big gunz

Den onta da next ‘un.

Dis wun’z called Deal, an’ is really close to Walmer.  Dis ‘enry wanted ta protect Dis bit ov seeside fer sure.

Pretty solid wallz ‘ere, but a few dakkajets shuld sort it!

No sign ov Norman at either of dese wuns doh! Maybe dey av got scared off.

But dis wun did av a speshul gate fer dat Sally woman agin….

Misshun day 6

Wordz ta meself – seem ta av da number on dis Roman bloke now, but av lost track ov da Normans, and too many ‘enries all over da place.

Da ummie defences are mixed, sum are worse dan grot bilt, ovvers pretty tuff!

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