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Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

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Victrix Old Guard Grenadier Eagle Bearer

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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This is actually a conversion using a body from the Guard Chasseur set and adding a Perry head. I used the Mont St Jean site as a uniform reference and saw that like the rest of the troops apart from officers he should have a moustache. Therefore I sculpted one using green stuff. I then learned that he was actually an officer so should be clean shaven. So I carved my hard work off and stripped the head with IPA. This was a complete faff to get the face ready to be repainted. I used my usual display level recipe for this. Start with Army Painter Barbarian Flesh. Wash with a flesh wash (old Citadel) mixed with Seraphim Sepia. Highlight again with base colour. Highlight with this mixed with Vallejo Pale Flesh. This is done with an almost glaze consistency. Shade with a glaze of Screamer Pink around the cheeks and nose. Paint lower lip with Tuskgor Fur. Add a little highlight to the lip with your flesh highlight mix. Put a line of Rhinox Hide between the lips and in the eye sockets. Do the whites of the eyes with Ulthuan grey and add black pupils to finish.

The completed figure. The gallery shows the initial conversion. I also replaced the plastic pole with a metal one. The painted figure with the offending moustache. and the last three French I have painted in a group shot. This means that all my French Napoleonic Infantry in my pile of shame are completed.The completed figure. The gallery shows the initial conversion. I also replaced the plastic pole with a metal one. The painted figure with the offending moustache. and the last three French I have painted in a group shot. This means that all my French Napoleonic Infantry in my pile of shame are completed.

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