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Draconis:  Spring Clean 2024 and onward

Draconis: Spring Clean 2024 and onward

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Misshun day 4

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Idea 5
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20th May 2024

I ‘erd ’bout a annuver big fort ’round ere at a place called Dover.

So I konvinsed da ummies ta take me der. Dey is eazy ta fool!

I fought da trale of Roman ‘ad gun kold,  but it seemz ‘e ad bin ere an’ bilt a lite-‘ouse ‘ere. Prob fer landin’ da Boyz shuttles or sumfink!

Roman bilt 'is lite-'ouse 'ereRoman bilt 'is lite-'ouse 'ere

Now, we may ‘av a bit’a trubble wiv dis place. No grot bilt stuff in dis place it seemz….

I fink dey must av got sum stunties in ta do dis work. ‘Parently dey dug a load ov tunnels ’round da place too – prob ta ‘ide in I spect.

Misshun day 4

Gunna ‘av ta get da ‘ard boyz or sum meganobz in ta krak dis place – shuld be fun skrappin’ time!

Misshun day 4
Misshun day 4

Dey got loadz ov wallz all ovva da place ‘ere too!

My kunnin’ nose no end doh, an’ I found sum sort ov sim-u-layshun ov da Fort. So I did sum xpert skowtin’ ov it….

Misshun day 4

‘Parently da boss ere waz two blokes called ‘enry, who may av also bin called Norman, or may av bin sumfing called A Gevin. Who kares doh, gunna be krumpin’ time ‘ere!


On da way back I found a place were it looks like one ov da flyboyz krashed ‘is dakkajet!

Misshun day 4

Wordz ta meself  – I fink I may be finking too much ’bout da stuff. Kuld be a krafti ummie plan to konfuse me, wiv all dese difrent namez dey is usin’! Kant uze me noggin too much, dunt wunt it ta xplode!

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