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Draconis:  Spring Clean 2024 and onward

Draconis: Spring Clean 2024 and onward

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Misshun day 3

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 5
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19th May 2024

On da trail of dese blokes called Norman I ‘erd der waz sum big battle nere Haste-ings.

Uzin’ me best stelff I snuk past a bunch of ‘ummies q-ing an’ into sum old Abbey.


Misshun day 3

‘Parently der waz sum big krumpin’ ‘ere, but seemz I mist it ?

Although,  from da luks of dis stat-you dey waz sum big fellas!

Misshun day 3

Skowtin’ ’round I found dis big stone. Seemz it waz a known trip ‘azard,  as it sez dat a bloke called Harold fell ‘ere.

Not sa-prized, as from da pics it seemz ‘e waz bizzy lookin’ at a pointy stikk or summit.

Misshun day 3

‘Avin mist all dese Norman’s an’ found a different bloke insted (an’ no menshun ov dat bloke called Roman) I fought it best ta hed off.  Shame I mist da fightin’.

Uzin’ xtra kunnin’, I fooled da ‘ummies agin…..

My skowtin’ led me ta sum boss nob’z pad nereby at a place called Body-ham.

Do dey kant spel, an’ call it Bodiam.

I waz rite abov dem!I waz rite abov dem!

Dis place waz well built, wiv a lode ov flippin’ water around it dat culd scare sum of da Boyz!

‘Owever, sum ov it is a ummie trik, as dey still forgot da insides!

Misshun day 3
Misshun day 3

Wordz ta meself  – dis is getin’ konfusin’ wiv all dese difrent ummies.

But nun ov dem seem ta want ta hang ’round fer a scrap….

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