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Spring Cleaning for the 2024 Spring Clean Challenge

Spring Cleaning for the 2024 Spring Clean Challenge

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Classic Lego Space Colors Applied

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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I went with yellow and blue to reference the classic Lego Space colors.  I want to paint the logo on their chests before I add any more highlights or weathering.  I like how the base is looking as well but it really needs more work to age it as well as some highlights and shadows.  Still struggling with what colors to paint the hook, wrench, and tubing but I have decided on a subtle wood grain for the button at least.  Got a lot of work to do and not a lot of time as I wanton show it at KublaCon next weekend.

Classic Lego Space Colors Applied
Classic Lego Space Colors Applied
Classic Lego Space Colors Applied
Classic Lego Space Colors Applied
Classic Lego Space Colors Applied
Almost that classic early grey of Lego's first Space sets.  I'm old enough to remember how excited we were to get new Lego colors.Almost that classic early grey of Lego's first Space sets. I'm old enough to remember how excited we were to get new Lego colors.

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