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"Big Red One" - 28mm US Infantry, 1943

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Breakout at Anzio - 15mm Battlegroup Game (80th Anniversary) P1

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Join us for a 15mm tabletop miniature game of “Battlegroup” where we’re recreating part of the American breakout from Anzio beach head, 80 years ago this week, at the end of May 1944.  It’s a 50 square foot table, over a hundred miniatures on the table (including infantry) and four players.

Anzio was a rather rough story for the Allies, especially the Americans.  But now four months of wasted opportunity and bitter stalemate are coming to an end.  Combat Command “A” of 1st US Armored Division might finally be spearheading a breakout, only exhausted survivors of the 3rd Panzergrenadier Division stand in their way.  Can the Americans finally open the road to Rome and fulfill the elusive promise of the Italian Campaign?

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