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Draconis:  Spring Clean 2024 and onward

Draconis: Spring Clean 2024 and onward

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Misshun day 2

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 5
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18th May 2024

So, dis day da ummies went ta sum place called Rochester.

I did me best stelffin’ ’round da place.

I axed ’round ’bout dis bloke called ‘Roman’ but da locals kept stumm on it.

But dey did let on dat da mob uv blokes called Norman were ’round ‘ere building stuff.

Misshun day 2

Dis place dey call a Kath-e-drawl ‘parently  ‘as bits built in da Goff-ic style.

I kouldn’t see nuffink dat looked like a Goff in der do….

Misshun day 2

In stikk-bomb range of da Kath-e-drawl dese blokes called Norman built dis big Fort.

Now dis looks a bit mor proper!

Misshun day 2

Wun of da blokes called Norman must’ve got da grotz in cheap ta do da inners…. dey forgot da floors da stoopid ummies.

May ‘ave a bit of a krumpin fer da owter bitz furst,  den we kan get da mekboyz ta put sum proper floors in

Uzin’ me kunnin’ I fownd owt dat der was annuver fort up north from ‘ere, dat dey sentsibly called ‘UpNor’.

Dis waz built by sum wuman called Lizzie-bet da furst.  Dunno ‘ow many Lizzie-bets dere r do….

She did-ent ‘av de Norman peeps ‘elp do, so dis place ‘az wallz ‘an dorz! But not enuff ta stop a gud mob ov boyz!

Misshun day 2

Round dis side dey even ‘av a gate just fer sumwun called ‘Sally’ ta go owt.


Words ta meself  – meybe dis Sally knose were dis Roman chap is.

An’ keep an eye owt fur any ummies called Norman.

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