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Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

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Perry Miniatures General Kellerman

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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For the gold cloth, saddle cloth trim, details on sash and bicorne etc I used a more sophisticated paint recipe, which while it is more time consuming than the contrast method I shared previously on L’Heritier, does result in a cleaner and more controlled finish. Start with two thin coats of Vallejo Scrofulous Brown. Then highlight with Vallejo Ice Yellow. Apply a tghinned glaze with GW Iyanden Yellow. Shade with very thin Doombull Brown. Then line and selectively shade with GW Rhinox Hide. Highlight again with Ice Yellow and finally with Vallejo Ivory. The red weave that can be seen in the rear shot of the sash is done with thinned GW Evil Sunz Scarlet.

Perry Miniatures General Kellerman

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