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Anyone seen my Pachyderm

Anyone seen my Pachyderm

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First time on the table

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 6
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When I first started this project if someone had said that the first time I would field the armies it would be:

  • the Republican Romans
  • it would be a “rank and file” game rather than a skirmish game

I would have laughed but the other week they were on the table against a Pyric army in a game of To the Strongest. This was slightly “out of period” as I fielded the later “Polybian Roman” army rather than the “Camillan Romans” that would have actually faced Pyrus but I have to paint up more legions before I can field that army.

Roman centre and left wingRoman centre and left wing
Roman Right Wing Roman Right Wing

A few more pictures as the game developed when I get chance I will do a fuller battle report in my other project.

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Cult of Games Member

Awesome to see the Romans go somewhere other than “To the House”.

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