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Napoleon in Egypt - Expédition Baïonnette en Argent

Napoleon in Egypt - Expédition Baïonnette en Argent

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The Mummy

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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The Mummy

Time for the first of the monsters and supernatural horrors that will plague the French. The obvious starting point is with a mummy.

This model is from Midlam Miniatures, and I just loved the sculpt and the slight departure from the traditional Holywood-look mummy. It does stand pretty tall though, and absolutely towers over the 28mm French, which is absolutely fine with me – a suitably imposing horror.

Really quick and simple painting here. Base coat of Vallejo Buff, wash with Vallejo Sepia wash, drybrushed with Buff, and then a lighter drybrush with Vallejo Ivory. It won’t win any prizes, but I’m happy at how fast it was to finish.

The Mummy
The Mummy

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