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Wee Free Men

Wee Free Men

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Luggit Gang No.3

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Flappity-flappity flap! Cheep, cheep! Ach, poor wee me, cheepity-cheep!” Tiffany ran over to the window. There was a Feegle on the path. It had made itself some crude wings out of a piece of rag, and a kind of beaky cap out of straw, and was wobbling around in a circle like a wounded bird.“Ach, cheepity-cheep! Fluttery-flutter! I certainly hope dere’s no a pussycat aroound! Ach, dearie me!” It yelled. And down the path Ratbag, arch-enemy of all baby birds, slunk closer, dribbling. As Tiffany opened her mouth to yell, he leaped and landed with all four feet on the little man. Or at least where the little man had been, because he had somersaulted in mid-air and was now right in front of Ratbag’s face and had grabbed a cat ear with each hand.“Ach, see you, pussycat, scunner that y’are!… Here’s a giftie from the t’ wee birdies, yah schemie!” He butted the cat hard on the nose. (pg82-83)

The middle base for the back of the army display, this regiment is where the two other hills meet. This led to some creative positioning to get a decently full base.

Now to its special element; the Bird Feegle. Originally I was going to sculpt everything on it from green stuff but one of the other models I’m using on another gang had some extra bits they weren’t needing anymore so this little feegle got some feathers and a bird mask. I needed a little bit of green stuff to make the back look right but over all, there wasn’t a lot of work involved in this one. It’s not remotely how the bird feegles are described in the book but the bits were too good to pass up.

Ratbag crept along a branch. He wasn’t a cat who was good at changing the ways he thought. But he was good at finding nests. He’d heard the cheeping from the other end of the garden and even from the bottom of the tree he’d been able to see three little yellow beaks in the nest. Now he advances, dribbling. Nearly there… Three Nac Mac Feegles pulled off their straw beaks and grinned happily at him. “Hello Mister Pussycat,” said of them. “Ye dinnae learn, do ye? CHEEP!” (pg104)

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