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Kira's Club Terrain - A Spring Clean Challenge

Kira's Club Terrain - A Spring Clean Challenge

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Week 8 - Pledge

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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My Pledge for Week 8: Monday 13th May 2024 – Sunday 20th May 2024

Time to get back on the proverbial hobby horse (see what I did there) and try and push the prep work to the point where the terrain is at least assembled and usable.

As I opined in previous weeks I want to play around with the pieces and decide if I wanted to sacrifice the possible usability of some of the decorative bits in order to pursue using magnets to link the pieces vs the increased flexibility of using the default pegs.

To test this I would like to take this stuff along to the club and see about getting some hands on it in a real work setting and some feedback from my compatriots. The next club night is next Wednesday so I’d really like to have enough to slap together a setup by then.

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