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Kira's Club Terrain - A Spring Clean Challenge

Kira's Club Terrain - A Spring Clean Challenge

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Week 6 & Week 7 - Results

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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So, it’s been about two weeks since my last post (two weeks and a day to be precise but that last day was because the web sigh was overloaded last night and I couldn’t get the project blog to load, what can you do?). What happened?

Well, as it has before and will continue to do so: life happened. A mix being busier with the kids, work being stuffed to the brim with mania and also pulling some overtime as a result (at least I’m getting paid for this, right?) has left me with way less hobby time than usual. That’s not to say that nothing got done, just that what has been has been going at a veritable crawl.

None the less, it’s been a while and I am still working at it so I thought I would update even if only for my own benefit and it also gives me a chance to talk about some of the more difficult revelations I have had so far with this project.

Hey, the list of bits to pick up doesn't scroll of the screen. That's progress!Hey, the list of bits to pick up doesn't scroll of the screen. That's progress!
Just the bits that are left, getting there...Just the bits that are left, getting there...

Smaller does not mean less

So, I was originally hoping that having the bigger stuff done would mean that I was over the hump of the work for this but as I realised, this was certainly not the case.
Let me tell you about these little blighters that perfectly encapsulate my point:

These things really landed a blow against my confidenceThese things really landed a blow against my confidence

So these little pieces are for creating ruins of multiple levels where there are some other gubbins to slot walls and floors together and then these go around the border of the floors to fill the resulting gap.

I initially started out with the longest of these and then all had around 6 sprue gates to clean up. After a few days I finished these and moved on to the middle size. These only had around 5 sprue gates each but… there were twice as many of them. This made for 5/3s as many to handle. Then came the small ones which had three sprue gates each but then there were four times as many of these which meant 2 times the total sprue gates. That’s a lot of maths!

I spent ages on these as the sprue gates where the majority of what needed cleaning up and I guess the lesson I learnt was that smaller pieces do not mean less work.

But at least they are done now and can be added to the pile of ready stuff.

Week 6 & Week 7 - Results

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Time to make another hobby pledge and try and get this phase of the project over the line.

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