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Re Return to Rio Morpork

Re Return to Rio Morpork

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Ongoing Campaigns and ideas

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When I did the original Gunfights back in the day , Having multiple platers a day factions  s is a real bonus as once you have set the stage  campaigns tend to run themselves,  fueds begin,  Alliances develop and fade as the  players look for ways to enhance their faction for example from our campaign a Brian the Brat, would want to rescue gang members captured in a robbe or rob a stage particularly if it hurt a rival or tweeked the nose of their favourite Marshall/Sheriff.

As is often the case with RPG’s reason any intricate scenario plan go out the window by players going g down an unforseen way, but this  helps  your town/ County grow.

Scenarios demand, you may fight in one end of main street , one week another end  a week later. Your  town and County will  grows to fit the  . Rio Morpork was just a main street (it did have a square for a particiaption game but that was  for the boxing match another story) as we only had a few one Storey buildings a barn and a Saloon ,  Your town may  will groaw as mine has over the year or you can just move what you have to make other locatio s in town.Mine has a station and railway line.  A big Saloon/Hotel and another gunsmiths , and a replacement Spanish Church (the original damp ruined )

Ongoing Campaigns and ideas
Ongoing Campaigns and ideas
Ongoing Campaigns and ideas
Ongoing Campaigns and ideas

( odd steampunk pipes ettc added for Wild West Exodus gasme)

It will grow again, as it will gain a River Dockside at some point ( most of it already done for San Ecila Project) and more of the Mexican quarter will be added as Morpork is on the Rio Grande border with Mexico.

Also the County you set the games in will grow with scenarios and again Terrian, There will be a disused Gold mine  in mine, , Your may had a Big Ranch House etc .

Other players in your group may want a turn ru ning a  run a town, etc for there own scenarios, no reason they cant be more than one town in the County , the new locations can be added to the map as games progress.

One thing about the Wild West was it was a big place and character and bands moved about so there is no reason one of a players gangs could not appear in another groups games . I all being well will be going for Holiday in Northern Ireland later in year so one of my gangs may appear in the games at the Visitor Centre, and then interact with the gangs in their county . In fact you could have a bigger map with the counties on it, in mine it is centered ein New Mexico and OTT’s could be in Wyoming (or Austrailia)

Ongoing Campaigns and ideas

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