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2024 Hobby Log

2024 Hobby Log

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Blood Bowl Part 2

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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“Aaaargh, why do I leave things to last minute” game ready. That’s what I call this painting level. Not finished, just got enough paint for their first game! There’s not one highlight on them. I’m fine with this. Definitely fine.

Though the team is called the Fjordadelphia Blood Eagles, I leaned into the colour palette of Washington rather Philly. We’re about the blood part of the Blood Eagles.

Colours used:

  • Khorne red and Yriel Yellow are the two team colours
  • P3 Coal Black for fabric
  • Kislev Flesh and Pallid Wych Flesh for, well, the flesh
  • Rhinos Hide for dark leather
  • Skavenblight Dinge for fur
  • All over wash with Agrax thinned 50/50 with medium

Now, any sharp eyed CoGs will notice looking at the photos that there are only four linemen and one berserker. I’m glad you noticed. I didn’t, until I was adding their numbers. Oh well, I don’t have time to paint up my fifth lineman so we’ll just going to have to proxy for game one.

They’ll be back later, once I have the rest of the box painted, this lot actually finished and more done to the bases. They’ll do for the first game or two though.

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