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Star Wars - Renegades

Star Wars - Renegades

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Welcome to the Corrax Sector

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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The Corrax Sector, nestled within the expansive Outer Rim Territories, holds a pivotal position as a vital hyperspace trade route. This region, spanning over 75,000 light-years, facilitates the movement of goods and commerce among various star systems and planets, notably Tatooine. Dubbed the “Hutt Pathway” due to its proximity to Hutt Space, the sector is a crucial component of the notorious Spice Triangle, a network notorious for illegal trade in substances like spice. Image designed in Photoshop.

Welcome to the Corrax Sector

As you can see all the planets have names, I have marked the key planets with a symbol of influence on that planet. 

There are no values between each planet to note the travel time in hours via hyperspace, In the original WEG RPG the links between planets had a hyperspace modifier that helped calculate the travel time.

I decided to remove them and come up with some homebrew rules, these are based on the type of hyperspace lane as shown on the map key, so, travel times for the ships between each planet are based on the hyperdrive and the hyperlane they are travelling on.

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